Our Story So Far

1st Church Building | 1947

1st Church Building | 1947

Our local church history began in Toledo, Oregon. Toledo Church of the Nazarene started in 1938.  Three families tired of the windy drive from Newport to Toledo.  On June 7, 1945, Newport Church of the Nazarene in Newport was officially organized by District Superintendent E.E. Martin with six adults: The Perry’s, The Dodd’s, Sallie Eder Mitchell, Minnie Miller, and five children.

Meeting in homes with first pastor Jack Jones, the group purchased a heavily wooded lot off Hwy 101 and completed their first church building in 1947 (now the Eagles Lodge on Hwy 20).  The first parsonage then followed and was built on Eades St. in Newport.

Outgrowing the first building, a wooden canyon was purchased on NW 12 St in Newport in 1959. The first phase of the church was dedicated November 13, 1960. The second parsonage was built shortly after across 12th street from the church. Then 12th street was paved in 1963. In 1974, phase 2 of the gym, fireside room and 11 classrooms were built. In phase 3 our current sanctuary was completed in 1979.

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1960 Dedication | 2nd building

1960 Dedication | 2nd building

During the 1970’s, Yaquina Christian School was housed in the church. The children’s and youth programs have traditionally been a vital part of our church body. Missions has been an important part of our ministry as well. Over 30 Work & Witness teams have gone out across Oregon, other states and many countries around the world. Our records show that Rev. Eddie Brown is our 15th pastor.

Future Community Center

Future Community Center

In 2000 we purchased land south of the church. God gave a dream of building a multi-use building that we could use to reach out to the community, possibly partnering with other groups and services. This would be a space for our use as well as renting to other groups. It was decided to build as God provided, not taking a loan for the building. Knowing this would take time, we are excited for what God has planned for the use of this facility when it is completed. This project began with filling in the canyon that ran across the length of the property, laying underground systems and driving pilings for the foundation. The building was built to withstand seismic activity, in hopes it could be used in an emergency event.

Turning our focus to the main church building we are looking forward to some updates and upgrades to a now 42-year-old building.  Phase 1 of the Building Improvement Plan included foundation correction; Phase 2 was siding, windows, and roof;  Phase 3 will include focus on the sanctuary with new lighting, carpet and pews. We are also planning on creating an indoor coffee shop and updating our exterior landscaping. 

We are excited for what God is doing at NewportNaz; fanning the coals of his Holy Spirit in us, deepening our relationship with Himself and each other.  We feel challenged to grow and reach into our community.  In 2020 the Lord gave NewportNaz a new vision; to Encounter God, Grow in Freedom, Discover Purpose and Make a Difference.  Now after 76 years, we are still excited for the way God is working in and through us. We look with anticipation as He continues to use us, our time and our buildings to bring others into His saving grace and love.